Buying Empty Printer Cartridges

Buying Empty Printer CartridgesYes, if you bring us your empty toner or ink cartridges we will give you cash for them. By buying empty printer cartridges from you it means that you do not only earn some cash back on your cartridges, you also help to keep the environment clean. Proper printer cartridge recycling is very important as too many harmful products still land up on the landfills. Proper recycling means that the usable parts of a discarded product may be reused in the remanufacture of a new product.. It also means that if it cannot be used again, it will be disposed of in a proper manner.

Why sell your empty Printer Cartridge to us.

At CTEC we are not only passionate about our industry, but also extremely passionate about our environment. We believe that we live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We also believe that every South African should make their contribution to save this beauty for future generations to experience. For this reason we want to make a meaningful contribution in the only way we know. We buy printer cartridges so that we can use either the cartridges or their parts again in the remanufacturing of new cartridges. We also have partnerships with other companies both locally and internationally that are also involved in responsible remanufacturing. If a cartridge can’t be used it is disposed of in a proper way and will never land up on a landfill. CTEC has partnered with EnviroServ (ISO 14001 accredited) who ensure that cartridge recycling and disposal procedures are followed in accordance with current and applicable South African legislation and regulations. To read more about cartridge recycling at CTEC please visit our cartridge recycling page.

Please ensure that you only sell or give your used printer cartridges to companies that are properly trained and accredited to safely dispose the cartridges. With CTEC you can feel safe to do so. We are properly ISO 14001 accredited and we can also produce certificates of safe disposal on request. Our manufacturing process is also done in such a way as to ensure that any harmful chemicals, toner and ink that are released in the air are also captured before it can have a harmful effect on the atmosphere..