Cartridge recycling

Why Should We Recycle and Re-use Cartridges?

Millions of used cartridges end up on landfills which contribute to the pollution of our resources. By returning your used cartridges you can help us save the planet and make your enterprise go green.  We continuously try to minimize our carbon footprint by recycling and re-using ink and toner cartridges.  Exhausted cartridges are disposed of properly. We are industry leaders when it comes to cartridge recycling.

Trusting CTEC for The Collection and Disposal of Used Printer Cartridges.

Green Manufacturing Code of Conduct

At our factory we use sophisticated technology to capture any harmful chemicals, toner and ink that may be released in the air and dispose of it properly. We believe that saving the planet today, will ensure a greener tomorrow.

Safe Disposal of Waste

CTEC guarantees that cartridges collected from your premises are handled and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. CTEC is an environmentally conscious and committed company, and is ISO 14001 accredited.

On collection from your premises, cartridges are transported to CTEC where they are sorted. Those fit for remanufacture are either remanufactured locally, or exported overseas to international re-manufacturers as ourselves. Approximately, 10 to 13% of the cartridges collected by CTEC annually are damaged and cannot be re-used.

Where cartridges cannot be re-used, they are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner and certificates of safe disposal are available at your request. CTEC has partnered with EnviroServ (ISO 14001 accredited) who ensure that cartridge recycling and disposal procedures are followed in accordance with current and applicable South African legislation and regulations.

On disposal, printer cartridges are treated as hazardous waste. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry defines hazardous waste as “An inorganic or organic element or compound that, because of its toxicology, physical, chemical or persistency properties, may exercise detrimental acute or chronic impacts on human health and the environment”.

Hazardous wastes are classified into 4 classes according to their Hazard Rating: HR1 – Extreme Hazard, HR 2 – High Hazard, HR 3 – Moderate Hazard and HR 4 – Low Hazard. A hazardous waste would be disposed of in 1 of 2